Solutions for the global automation standard KNX

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The KNX 9025’s Thermostat/Humidistat receives the Design Plus Award

9025 Thermostat won the design plus awardWe are pleased to announce that our product 9025 KNX Temperature Controller has been awarded the Design Plus powered by Light + Building 2018 label.
Every year, the competition honours products that combine technology and design and the jury choosed the 9025’s KNX thermostat with special consideration for the concepts of its designs, its extraordinary quality, and its technical innovation, among the 154 participating companies from 26 countries and 222 the competing products.
[more information:  Design Plus powered by Light & Building  ]

Join us at our stand at Frankfurt Light & Building  (Hall 11.1 Stand C32) to discover it and check the whole 9025 products gamma. The product selected will also be on display for the entire duration of the show from 18 to 23 March in Hall 1.2.where the award ceremony will take place on Sunday 18 March 2018 at 2:00 p.m..

9025 thermostat is a KNX room temperature controller that includes 7 configurable capacitive buttons for on / off, dimming, rolling shutters and venetian controls, scene recall and control, object sequences, local thermostat controls, etc. It’s equipped with a 2 stage thermostat with integrated PI controller to control heating and cooling equipments, valves, 2 and 4 pipes fan coils etc .. The device has an embedded temperature sensor and a rear 2 poles connector, configurable as digital or analog input; It’s also possible to connect an additional NTC temperature probe (eelectron codes TS01A01ACC or TS01B01ACC – not included) to perform a direct temperature measurement.

Discover more on our website.