Solutions for the global automation standard KNX

it en


The devices BI04F01KNX and BI08F01KNX are equipped, respectively, with 4 and 8 inputs for interfacing dry contacts, for example sensors, switch buttons and can be configured for sending on / off commands, dimmers, roller shutters, scene recall and sequences to the bus. The digital inputs can be configured for long or short distances.

The pulse counter function is also available for counting the switching on inputs configured as digital at short distance. On the front panel there is a LED to display the status of each input. The inputs can be configured as analogue for the connection of NTC temperature probes (see eelectron probes code TS01A01ACC / TS01B01ACC) with which to send the temperature measurement on the bus or manage a complete thermostat module.

Two inputs can be configured as “smart sensor” for connection of the plug-in sensors: SM03E01ACC that includes a temperature sensor  and a CO2 sensor and SM03E02ACC that includes a temperature sensor and a VOC sensor for measuring Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and CO2 equivalent (eCO2).

Moreover, 10 logic blocks are available to implement simple expressions with logical or threshold operator or complex expressions with algebraic and conditional operators; It is possible to use predefined algorithms as proportional controls of temperature and humidity or dew point calculation.