The IO42E01KNX is an input and outputs interface device and can be configured with ETS® to communicate with the KNX Data Secure protocol
Main characteristics:
- 2 digital inputs
- 1 analog / digital input
- 1 digital / analog / smart sensor input
- 2 relay output (bistable)
- Antenna with beacon BLE
- 12 logic blocks
- Virtual Holder logic
The inputs 3 and 4 can be configured as analogue for the connection of eelectron NTC temperature probes (code TS01A01ACC / TS01B01ACC/ TS01D01ACC) with which to send the temperature measurement on the bus or manage a complete thermostat module.
The “smart sensor input” allows the connection of the air quality plug in sensors (SM03E01ACC that includes a temperature sensor and a CO2 sensor & SM03E02ACC that includes a temperature sensor and a VOC sensor)
The device also integrates the “Virtual Holder Logic”; the field of application is the hotel room: through a magnetic sensor installed on the door and connected to a digital input, accurate presence information is managed.
The presence detection solution can deduce the presence of people in the room using one or more dedicated sensors. It also detects an unexpected presence and is able to differentiate more behaviors.
The beacon BLE allows the sending of messages to mobile devices. These devices must have an app that allows them to receive information from BLE beacons and it can be used for wayfinding, indoor positioning, heat maps…