The compact KNX IP Router IN00S01RIP Secure allows forwarding of telegrams between different lines through a LAN (IP) as a fast backbone. In addition this device is suited to connect a PC to the KNX network e.g. for ETS® programming. The device supports KNX Security which can be enabled in ETS. As secure router the device allows coupling of not secured communication on KNX TP to a secured IP backbone. Also for the interface functionality (tunneling) KNX security prevents from unauthorized access. The IP address can be obtained by a DHCP server or by manual configuration (ETS®) respectively. This device works according to the KNXnet/IP specification using the core, the device management, the tunneling and the routing part. The KNX IP Router IN00S01RIP has an extended filter table and is able to buffer up to 150 telegrams. Power is supplied via the KNX bus.
Contact us for more information about our products, including our knx ip interface secure.