
IN00A01BLE, OTOMO-KNX GATEWAY, is a built-in KNX device that acts as a two-way gateway between the KNX bus and the OTOMO Bluetooth® mesh;
it includes 2 analog inputs for the connection of a BT01A01OTO temperature and brightness probe and a 10A – 230V relay with dry contacts.
The communication between the two systems allows to introduce in KNX installations the advantages of the typical functions of an OTOMO system such as the presence detection – via Mobile App and Beacon – of a user in an environment or the opportunity to transfer information, commands, states between one system and the other.
The product includes a thermostat module capable of managing 2 stages with integrated PI controller for the control of heating and cooling equipment, valves, 2 and 4-pipe fan coils, etc.
The KNX wireless systems Eelectron, developed on KNX protocol, are intelligent custom home automation systems for automation and energy saving in buildings; the product range with Made in Italy is designed for residential, hotel and building applications.
Contact us for information about the Otomo KNX Gateway.